
Hey, I am John Franke, a programmer and musician living in Nashville Tennessee. I made this site to post tutorials, articles, and some music.

Thanks for reading,

Feeling generous?

Here are a few of my favorite charities.

Donate to Catalyst Sports 2025

Past years: Catalyst Sports 2024 Paradox Sports 2023

Every February, I climb for charity at Climb Nashville. Paradox Sports and Catalyst Sports both offer accessible climbing opportunities for people with differing abilities, defying the perception that people with a β€˜disability’ cannot lead a life of adventure. We hit the goal in 2022, 2023, and 2024. Let's do it again in 2025! Progress πŸ“ˆ

Nashville Community Fridge πŸ₯•πŸ‰πŸ₯‘πŸ…πŸ‡πŸ₯πŸπŸŠπŸŒπŸˆπŸ₯­

Nashville Community Fridge is a free fridge in Nashville that provides healthy fresh food for nearby residents.

Donate to Project Healthy Children

Project Healthy Children fortifies food, preventing malnourishment

Donate to Palestine Children's Relief Fund πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

Around 50% of Gaza's population is children and they are facing the wrath of an indiscriminate bombing campaign.

This blog was generated via agave, a static site generator I wrote with ReasonML that turns markdown files (.md) into custom styled html and css.

npm i -g agave-generator
# for theming your own site
mkdir markdown
cd markdown
echo '<html><body><!-- MARKDOWN --></body></html>' >> base.html
touch index.md && touch styles.css
cd ..
agave -p docs

And push to your GitHub io page, or upload to any other static site hosting service.

For code syntax highlighting, I am using highlight.js in my base.html file.


Update My Board

Vestaboard Developer Blog

Like what I do?

Sponsor me on GitHub or buy some music